Saturday, July 14, 2012

Teenager Molestation

Molestation of a teenager girl in public, a horrible incident, made every civilized citizen to hang his/her head in shame. Perpetrators got emboldened with the presence of camera and kept dragging the girl in front of the camera so that the camera could get a good shot of this barbaric act. The fact that the local police took time to arrive to the place and arrest only a few, raises questions on the moral complicity of the police. The concerned police officers must be penalized on charges of dereliction of duty for the select arrest. Irresponsible statements, in the wrong time, like that of the state DGP that police are not ATM machines would only invite ire from the public. It has become a routine to issue eyewash statements by politicians post such incidents. To what extent such statements devoid of actions would placate the affected is matter of question.

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